
American Cloud Soft > Service > Consulting


American Cloud Soft can help you with your IT resource staffing needs because we work with you to find, evaluate, and interview specialists for your specific projects ranging from; Java, Mobile Technologies (Android &iOS), Data Warehousing, .NET, ERP Technologies, Business Analysts and much more.

We understand that not all our customers are going to be familiar with latest technologies, which is why we provide consulting advice to those who are just getting started or need to accelerate their pace. We already have a large customer base, yet we are always accepting new customers because we have a large team of various technologies consultants who are ready to get your business where you want it to be.

Our process helps to validate the candidates’ skill sets and experience and to shortlist only those candidates who can add value to an organization. The solutions are flexible depending on the clients’ environment and culture. Executing this model extensively has made us one of the leading staffing solutions providers dealing with Managed Service Providers (MSP). Our experience in handling MSP models and Vendor Management Systems (VMS) like Fieldglass, IQNavigator, Provade and many more, has helped us deliver the best solutions meeting all our client requirements.

Service Features
Project Managers and Business Analyst
Software Developers
ETL & Data Warehousing Specialists
Business Intelligence
Quality Testers
What to expect from our consultants:
Reviewing and analyzing your organization’s goals
Custom IT strategy for your business
Assessment of your current capabilities
Helping you determine your future business directives
Working Hours
Monday – Friday 8.00AM – 5:00 pm EST
Saturday, Sunday closed